ACSW Talent Show

All students must fill out this google form in order to audition.

Audition date and times:

Kindergarten: 10/20/23 | 2:15 – 4:15 |  Outdoor Area

1st Grade – 8th Grade: 10/20/23 & 11/03/23 | 3:45 – 5:45 | Dance Room

Examples of Talents: Spoken Word, Funny Skit, Dance, Sing, Martial Arts, Gymnastics Routine, Monologue, Playing an instrument, Magic, Juggling, Pet tricks, etc…

     – Performances should be appropriate for all audiences.

     – Talents must be no longer than 90 seconds.

     –  If an act requires accompanying music, then a USB with the music must be provided prior to the performance date. Music provided must be an .MP3 file.

     – Students will be provided with a stage, a microphone, and speakers. All other equipment must be provided.

All student participants will receive a certificate for participating in the talent show.

Send a message to Mr. Cid for any questions or concerns regarding the audition times/ dates at